Discover the easeï convenience of making a coffee shop quality Cappuccino with SENSO Cappuccino Instant Coffee Premix Escape from your everyday schedule to enjoy a delectable coffee shop style cappuccino without having to leave your office or home prepare yourself and savor the delicious taste of this classic coffee shop drink any time Get an early and healthy start with Senso Coffee with cappuccino
Type of BeveragesïHOT and COLD
How to Make
ï ï Take a 16 gm from SENSO Pack in an empty Cupï Add 100 ml Hot Water and Stir well and enjoy your Coffee
ï ï Take 16 gm from Senso Packï Add 100 ml Cold Milk or Waterï Add 4 to 5 ice cubesï Blend With Electronic Mixtureï Enjoy Your Drink COLD
ï ï Use in Tea Coffee Vending Machine as a refiller
Ingredients Sucrose Milk Solid Pure Coffee Powderï Contains Added natural and nature Identical Flavouring Substances
Product USP
ï ï 100 percent Natural
ï ï Natural Coffee beans
ï ï Roasted Coffee Beanï
ï ï Vending Machine Refiller andï ïOtherï Personal Use
ï ï No preservatives
ï ï No Artificial Flavors
ï ï Made with Milkï Natural ingredients
ï ï Easily Soluble into Hot Water
ï ï Unique aroma
ï ï Long shelf life
ï ï Highly demanded
ï ï Hygienically processed
ï ï Provides a refreshing Roasted coffee taste
ï ï Refreshing taste
ï ï Excellent flavor
ï ï Free from adulteration
ï ï Strong body and smooth creamy flavor